Thursday, October 30, 2008

Adventures in Motherhood... Part 1

Tuesday was a long day with a trip to the doctor to follow-up on the Apnea Monitor. I got home at 6 pm just as Teresa was headed to her Young Womens activity. Derek was still in class, and Jim and Chad were at baseball practice. I got Brody settled in his cradle and started on dinner since I knew Derek would be home in about an hour and we both would be starving. As soon as I got started I heard a whimper from the craddle. That whimper soon turned to a cry and then to constant screaming. I picked the poor little guy up and tried to calm him. He settled down in my arms but I knew I had to finish dinner. I tried setting him in the swing but it was obvious after a few seconds that it was not going to work. I was starting to get hungry, the water on the stove was starting to boil, I was exhausted and dissappointed from the trip to the doctor, and now my baby was crying. I knew he would only be happy in someone's arms and since I was home alone that someone would have to be me. Just before resigning myself to the couch with my baby boy in my arms until Derek came home, I remembered the cute sling I received as a gift. I have been waiting for Brody to be 7 lbs. so I could use the sling. He weighed in at 6'11" earlier that day and I was desperate so I figured that was close enough. I threw the sling on, plopped my baby inside, and continued to make dinner with one hand. Luckily, I can set the monitor on the island and the cord will reach all around the kitchen. By the time Derek got home, Brody was asleep and dinner was only a few minutes away from being done. Whew! I'm sure many a mother has a story that relates to mine. I'm not alone in these adventures, but I thought it would be fun to share a few of my own experiences as a new mommy. All in a day's work!


themechams said...

Ohhhhh! He is so cute! I am glad that sling helps. Joe spent the firsst part of his life in one of those!

Vip said...

well, I for one, am impressed.

Vip said...

whoops- that last comment was from Becky, not Justin. I guess I'm still logged into his account.

The Lovinger's said...

It is still hard for me to believe that you are a little mommy. I still picture us all taking top ramen to our new FHE brothers and fun random things like that. You seem to already be an amazing mom however(which is no surprise).