Friday, February 6, 2009

This is what happens when you're a milk cow and you have a baby in NICU.
I finally cleaned out the freezer today. My finger tips are ice cold, and I'm still not done defrosting all the bags so I can pour them down the sink. My in-laws will be thrilled though!


The Hardy Things in Life said...

Wow that is a lot of milk!! haha! Your son is just too cute and I love his blessing outfit! take care!

CJMsquared+6 said...

I have never seen so much milk!! Wow...

SL&G said...

I still think you should sell it on craigslist! Make some money milk cow!

The Fleming Family said...

Wow!!! I wish I had that much milk!! You know you can donate that to the hospital? They would LOVE to use it for other babies with mom's that don't have milk yet.

Amanda said...

Lol, that's too funny :) Aren't our bodies amazing?

Dulcie said...

Wow. Ari thats impressive. You are one heck of a milk cow!