Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Welcome to the Family, Brody!

Brody's official welcome to the family came on Monday. Last week the pulmonologist mentioned that reflux might be the cause of Brody's apnea. So Derek and I researched the signs of reflux in infants. It turns out that we could check yes on most of the symptoms. So we called the doctor back on Monday, told him what we had observed, and he wrote out a prescription. My baby is now taking a generic form of Zantac 4 times a day. I really like what Susan, one of our favorite nurses from the NICU said when we told her. "They outgrow that in time, grow up and develop it as an adult over worries." Sound familiar to anyone? Luckily Brody will grow out of his reflux by two years old. As for the rest of us... we'll be poppin' pills for the rest of our lives.


MaudieV said...

Well, not only does he look like his dad, now he has his dad's health issues. Crazy. Good thing we love both of them.